The health of your lawn doesn’t stop during the coldest months of the year. While your lawn will fall dormant, it is important to give it nutrients to have a head start before spring. Your lawn will thank you, but you must make sure conditions are right or you will waste fertilizer.
A mild winter will provide great conditions for fertilizing your lawn during the cold months. Fertilizer should not be applied to frozen ground. It will not do any good for your lawn because it cannot sink to the roots. Temperatures should be above 50 degrees Fahrenheit as the grassroots need to be active. Don’t fertilize a dry lawn. Waiting until the day after a rain will be the most effective for getting the fertilizer into your soil due to the moisture level. For a tip, apply your fertilizer a few days before the next rain so it doesn’t wash away before it can be absorbed.
Make sure you are using the correct type of fertilizer. Winter fertilizer, also known as “winterizer”, contains higher levels of potassium which is used to boost your grasses’ tolerance to freezing conditions. Winterize encourage food storage and proper root system growth.
We currently carry 19-19-19 fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium).